Mission & Vision


To sustain a quality education system to develop individual potential in meeting national aspirations

  • Sustainability: Maintaining and improving the quality of education
  • System: Orderly and continuous
  • Education: Guiding, educating, and providing knowledge
  • Quality: High value and standards
  • Student Development: Guiding students to develop character, knowledge, and competence
  • Potential: Ability to achieve success or to fulfill tasks
  • National Aspirations: Goals or ideals set by the country


Quality Education, Educated Individuals, Prosperous Nation

  • Quality: High quality and of high standards
  • Education: Guiding, educating, and providing knowledge
  • Educated: Acquired knowledge and skills to improve oneself
  • Prosperity: Free from threats and risks, safe and prosperous
  • Nation: Malaysia
  • Individuals: Students, teachers, and parents
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